What meadow? It's now a septic heap
Officially, there isn't any meadow left. What was a stunning, sweet little meadow is now a 225-long septic mound. You can't exactly picnic on it. There isn't any grass, yet -- but that will eventually happen. Perhaps even the wonderful smells of the milkweed plants will come back to brighten the enormous whaleback of a stone pile. Sad. That used to be a lovely place to walk the dogs, hike, and generally lose yourself to nature.
Now, the area is littered with construction debris, endless mud, that huge septic mound, a monster concrete septic collection box mostly covered with more dirt (blocking the trails out back), and generally making the entire area unsightly.
What acreage hasn't been either sold to the town, or put into conservation land trust (45 acres fortunately) is a mess -- think wasteland in some spots.
This is what the meadow looked like before "development" took over. No loop road, no driveways, no drainage ditches (did you know this is a wetland area?), just trails, grasses, wildflowers, stunning trees, a hemlock swamp (to the right) and quiet. Not no more! Those beautiful colorful trees have been cut down for the loop road. The mound rises about 20 feet higher and ends at the tree line to the left. In the back section of the former meadow, it's now a series of driveways and drainage pipes, plus to the right side -- another septic tank of monumental proportions.